NEW YORK — Kira-kira 200 penunjuk perasaan yang membantah perang Israel di Gaza ditangkap dalam aksi duduk di luar Bursa Saham New York pada Isnin, kata polis.
Penunjuk perasaan melaungkan “Biarkan Gaza hidup!” dan “Bangun dengan pembebasan, jatuh dengan pendudukan!” di hadapan bangunan mercu tanda bursa saham di Lower Manhattan.
“Sebab kami berada di sini adalah untuk menuntut kerajaan AS berhenti menghantar bom ke Israel dan berhenti mengambil untung daripada pembunuhan beramai-ramai Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin di Gaza,” kata Beth Miller, pengarah politik Jewish Voice for Peace, kumpulan yang menganjurkan demonstrasi itu.
“Kerana apa yang berlaku pada tahun lepas ialah Israel menggunakan bom AS untuk membunuh masyarakat di Gaza manakala pada masa yang sama pengeluar senjata di Wall Street melihat harga saham mereka meroket.”
Tiada seorang pun penunjuk perasaan pro-Palestin masuk ke dalam bursa, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya 200 berjaya masuk ke dalam pagar keselamatan di Broad Street, di mana mereka duduk dan menunggu untuk ditahan.
Jurucakap polis berkata terdapat kira-kira 200 tangkapan. Dia tidak mempunyai butiran mengenai pertuduhan yang mereka hadapi.
Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested outside New York Stock Exchange
NEW YORK — About 200 demonstrators protesting Israel’s war in Gaza were arrested in a sit-in outside the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, police said.
The protesters chanted “Let Gaza live!” and “Up up with liberation, down down with occupation!” in front of the stock exchange’s landmark building in lower Manhattan.
“The reason we’re here is to demand that the US government stop sending bombs to Israel and stop profiting off of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza,” said Beth Miller, political director of Jewish Voice for Peace, the group that organized the demonstration.
“Because what’s been happening for the last year is that Israel is using US bombs to massacre communities in Gaza while simultaneously weapons manufacturers on Wall Street are seeing their stock prices skyrocket.”
A handful of counterprotesters waved Israeli flags and tried to shout down the pro-Palestinian chants.
None of the pro-Palestinian protesters got inside the exchange, but at least 200 made it inside a security fence on Broad Street, where they sat down and waited to be taken into custody.
A spokesperson for the exchange declined to comment on the protest.
Police arrested the protesters one by one, cuffing their hands behind their backs with plastic ties and leading them to vans.
Some demonstrators went limp and were carried by three or four officers.
A police spokesperson said there were about 200 arrests. She did not have details on the charges they faced.